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Top Schools 2025 Year 5-8 Registration



Year 5/6; Louie Dennett, Angus McIlroy, Sullivan Maher, James Kavanaugh, Lucas Gibert, Willow Lasslett, Elly Kwak, Ella Sharplin, Milly McKinlay, Lilly Collins, Charlotte Mulder

Year 7/8; Ava Rayner, Chelsea Adams, Danica Richards, Ethan Thomas, Indie-Rose Toomey, Jerome Choi, Kaly McLaughlan, Lachlan Igglesden, Leo Fitchett, Lucas Kennedy, Trinee Kersey


WHEN:  Year 7/8 - Thursday 13 March. Year 5/6 - Friday 14 March.

TIMES:  Approximately 8.00am departure from Taumata School and approximately 3.00pm return to Taumata School. More exact timing will be available closer to the event.

WHERE:  Omokoroa No. 1 School, Corner Plummers Point Road and Emeny Road (NOT IN OMOKOROA)

TEAMS: 10 participants in each event, 11 participants for the day.

WHAT:  Complete activities and solve problems as a team.

EQUIPMENT:  Togs and towel will be required for water activities. Sports shoes will be required. A Taumata Sports Shirt will be loaned to team members for the day and returned on the day. Wear sports shorts, skirt, bike pants of your choice. Bring plenty of food and water for the day. A hat and sunblock will be required. Any other personal items required.

COST:  $10 per team member.

SUPERVISION AND TRANSPORT:  Steve the Sports Coordinator will supervise and transport the team in the school van. Parents are welcome to attend the event as well.


Child's Name *
Child Year Level *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Email *
Mobile Number *


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Empowered to learn | Empowered for life

Opening February 2019

Opened February 2019