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Flippa Ball Year 3-6 Term 1 2025 Registration




Who:          Year 5-6 students (any mix of girls and boys is fine), but you need to be a   

                   competent swimmer to play flippa ball to enjoy yourself and be safe. Year 3/4

                   players will be able to touch the bottom of the pool, year 5/6 players will be able

                   to touch the bottom of the pool at the shallow end only.

                   There are 6 players in the pool and up to 10 players in a team.

                   A team will only be entered if there is at least 8 players registered and paid.

Venue:        Memorial Pool (Tauranga Central)

Dates:        Tuesday's (or maybe Wednesday's) - I have requested Tuesday's but please be

                   aware that we may play Wednesday's. I think it will be the same day of the week

                   every week, but not 100% at this stage.

Times:        Games start from 4.00pm and times vary but a draw will be provided 

Cost:          $68.00 per student


A game is made up of 2 halves of up to 10 minutes each with teams switching
ends at half time. The break at half time is approximately 1 minute.


Manager Role (compulsory) - make sure parent's know when the game is and who is able to attend, rotate players in and out of the pool fairly each game and supervise at the game (if there is no coach).

Coach Role (optional) - rotate players in and out of the pool fairly each game and supervise at the game to help players with the rules and how to play the game.


Child's Name *
Year Level *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Email Address *
Contact Number *
I would like to manage the team? *
I would like to coach the team? *
Please state if you can play Tuesday, Wednesday or either *
Who would your child like to be in the same team as?
Has your child played waterpolo before?
Is there any other information that you need the Sports Coordinator to know?



This form requires a payment of $68.00.
After submitting this form, you'll be redirected to our payment page to make the payment and complete the form submission.
Failure to complete the payment will mean the form ISN'T submitted to the School, and if this is a registration form, your child will NOT be registered.



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Opening February 2019

Opened February 2019