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Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Welcome

Enrolling at Taumata School


Starting school is an exciting event. Establishing a robust home-school partnership starts with beginning the enrolment process early. This partnership will ensure a positive experience for you and your child.


Enrolment Process





If your child is turning 5:

Your child can start school between the ages of 5 and 6. Most parents start their children when they turn 5. To enable us to provide a transitional experience that is inclusive and well planned, we begin new entrants in Weeks One and Six of each term.

Enrolling online at least six months before they turn 5 helps the school to plan for your child's arrival. A member of Taumata School will contact you to arrange a time to meet and complete the enrolment process.

Once a place at Taumata School is confirmed a transition programme will be provided to ensure a successful school start.

For children starting in Term 1 of any given year:

  • Learning Coaches will visit your child at their preschool in term 4, the year prior to starting
  • Educational sessions for parents will be provided to cover: school readiness; play-based learning, Taumata School’s culture, vision and values; brain rules; and child well-being.

For children starting in Term’s 2-4:

  • Learning coaches complete a preschool visit
  • Our team organise three transitional visits to Taumata School for your child. While your child is gaining an insight into the ways of a New Entrant, you will get to meet other parents who are joining Taumata School. A member of Taumata School will also discuss school readiness; play-based learning; our culture, vision and values; brain rules; and child well-being. Please note, as a legal requirement, you are required to stay on site.

Changing schools

If your child is changing school, as a courtesy please let your current school know. Once you have completed the enrolment form online, a member of Taumata School will contact you and arrange a time to complete the enrolment process.

Once enrolment has been confirmed we provide a 'familiarisation visit' so that your child can see their designated learning space and meet their learning coach.  This will be coordinated at a time that suits our school needs.


Visits during school time:

Unfortunately due to the high number of requests we do not provide 'walk throughs' for parents to evaluate whether this school is 'suitable' during learning times.   As you can appreciate we have many requests on a weekly basis and this can prove disruptive to our programmes. 

We can however offer set times where a member of the leadership is available to give you a tour of the school if you are new to our area.  Please contact the office for more detail.


Taumata School Zone

Taumata School is a full primary catering for students in Years 0 - 8.  All students who reside within our school zone have the right to attend our school.  Please note as part of our enrolment process we do require proof of address.

view the School Zone Map



The boundaries of the Home Zone are as follows:

Starting at the roundabout at the intersection of Pyes Pa Road and Takitimu Drive, the Taumata School Enrolment Zone follows Takitimu Drive north-west and includes addresses on streets that connect on both side of this road. This includes addresses on Te Ranga Memorial Drive and any roads coming off this road. Further north-west the boundary is behind 398 and 396 Takitimu Drive (addresses included in zone).

The boundary then connects to the centre of Takitimu Drive and includes all addresses on Lakes Boulevard which runs parallel to Takitimu drive but does not include 227 Takitimu Drive.

After this, the boundary follows behind Awhata Reserve to Kopurererua Stream and follows the stream north. All addresses off Awhata Crescent and Foley Grove (roads stemming from Paraone Koikoi Drive) are included in the zone.

Continuing from the stream back to Takitimu Drive after the above-mentioned addresses, the boundary is Takitimu Drive and includes all addresses to the east of the drive including those on Rire Hau Lane and Boulder Lane.

Lake Taurikura Drainage Reserve is a natural boundary from this point onwards north and is included in the zone as the boundary continues south of addresses on Scoria Close and Landing Drive, and Waikohua Reserve (which are not included in the zone), to Lakeview Quay.

Addresses on Lakeview Quay including 3 Lakeview Quay are in zone and so are addresses on Fender Close. Kiriwhakarewa Reserve is in zone as the boundary goes around the back of addresses on Landing Drive and Pumice Glade (these addresses are not in zone) to Lakes Boulevard.
On either side of Lakes Boulevard addresses 36 and 10 form the boundary which then continues east to Rexford Heights numbers 14 and 5 on either side of the road. All addresses in Rexford Heights south of numbers 14 and 5 are in zone as the boundary is around the back of these.
The boundary continues east and included in the zone are all addresses on Jason Place, Bradley Avenue, Georgia Grove, Molloy Rise, Pengary Lane, Stonebridge Way, , Brainell Valley Road, and Freeburn Road, all the way to Pyes Pa Road.
On Pyes Pa Road addresses 148 and 152 are in zone and form the boundary which continues south and includes even numbered addresses to 164 Pyes Pa Road.
Following further south behind addresses on Freeburn Road to 66 Kennedy Road. All addresses on Kennedy Road are included in zone and the boundary continues between 19 Kennedy Road and 264 Pyes Pa Road to the centre of Pyes Pa Road.
The boundary then follows along Pyes Pa Road south to the Pyes Pa Road and Takitimu Drive roundabout.


Please note that all enrolments will be subject to approval and confirmation in writing by our administration team.

Enrolment Question and Answers

How can I best support my child's transition to school?

Preparing your child for a positive transition to school involves creating a supportive and nurturing environment at home whilst gradually introducing them to the routines and expectations of school life. Start by talking to your child about what to expect, visiting the school together, and sharing positive information about the school. Encourage independence by practicing self-help skills such as dressing and using the bathroom independently. Establish consistent routines for bedtime, meals, and morning routines to help them feel secure and prepared. Finally, maintain open communication with your child's learning coach and be supportive and reassuring throughout the transition process. Remember, every child is unique, so be patient and flexible as they adjust to this exciting new chapter in their lives.

How long should I stay at school with my child on their first full day?


Settling your child into their new learning space involves creating a supportive and comforting environment while gradually fostering independence. Start by familiarising them with the surroundings, introducing them to their learning coach, and helping them explore the classroom materials and resources. Reassure your child that it's normal to feel nervous or excited about starting school and emphasise that you're there to support them. Encourage them to express their feelings and ask questions while also providing positive reinforcement and praise for their efforts. When it's time to leave, reassure your child that you'll be back to pick them up and remind them of the exciting activities they'll be doing. Offer a quick goodbye and avoid lingering, as this can prolong their anxiety. Trust that the learning coaches are equipped to support your child's transition and remember that gradual separation helps build their confidence and independence over time.


What will my child do at break time?

There are many places your child can play during break times. A learning coach is always on duty and children are supervised while they are eating.

What can I do to continue supporting my child?

Share the excitement of starting a new school. During the first few weeks visit your child’s learning studio before or after school so they can share their learning. Listen to your child talk about their day and celebrate their successes. Remember that settling fully into school can range from a few days to some weeks.


How will I know what my child is doing at school?

The school will keep you informed about what is happening at school through regular newsletters, website updates and our facebook page. Stay in touch with the school team and if you have concerns talk to your child’s learning coach. Communication can happen informally as an opportunity arises in the classroom or formally by arranging a time.

Important Documents

Please familiarise yourself with the following documents. You will be asked to provide consent regarding these on the enrolment form and sign when we meet.

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Annual Report 2022 | Strategic Plan 2024 - 2025


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Empowered to learn | Empowered for life

Opening February 2019

Opened February 2019